3rd Quarter Business Meeting
Attending EC Members: Donavan Pantke, Teresa Rushing, Amanda Ferguson, Duane Hamman
Absent EC Members: Mark Amans, Liz Scripter
7:16 – Call to Order
- Made by Donavan Pantke
7:25 – Motion to Adopt Minutes From Special Convention
- Made by Donavan Pantke
- No Objections
- Motion Carries
7:27 – Motion to Adopt Credentials Report from Special Convention
- Made by Donavan Pantke
- No Objections
- Motion Carries
7:28 – Motion to Move Coalitions Director held by Rene Descartes to an at-large voting member of the Executive Committee
- Made by Donavan Pantke
- No Objections
- Motion Carries
7:29 – Motion to Move Finance Director held by Rene Abdullah-Herrera to an at-large voting member of the Executive Committee
- Made by Donavan Pantke
- No Objections
- Motion Carries
7:30 – Motion to acknowledge Liz Scripter’s resignation made via Slack of her Past Chair position and leave the position empty
- Made by Donavan Pantke
- No Objection
- Motion Carries
7:31 – Motion to accept 2nd Quarter Business Meeting minutes as written
- Made by Donavan Pantke
- No Objection
- Motion Carries
7:32 – Treasurer Report given by Teresa Rushing
7:37 – Motion to add Donavan Pantke, Amanda Ferguson and Rene Abdullah-Herrera as authorized signatories to Tarrant County Libertarian Party bank account
- Made by Donavan Pantke
- No Objection
- Motion Carries
7:39 – Motion to remove Brooke Bailey and Kat Stedman-Harris from the Tarrant County Libertarian Party bank account
- Made by Teresa Rushing
- No Objection
- Motion Carries
7:40 – Motion to authorize Treasurer and Finance Director to allocate up to $200 for Rod Wingo’s campaign and up to $100 for Trey Holcomb’s campaign
- Made by Donavan Pantke
- Objection by Teresa Rushing due to concerns of minimum balance in bank account
7:50 – Motion to amend the allocation amount to up to $50 for Rod Wingo’s campaign and $50 for Trey Holcomb’s campaign
- Made by Teresa Rushing
- No Objection
- Motion Carries
7:50 – Motion to authorize Treasurer and Finance Director to allocate up to $50 for Rod Wingo’s campaign and up to $50 for Trey Holcomb’s campaign
- Made by Donavan Pantke
- No Objection
- Motion Carries
7:50 – Motion to have additional allocation up to $50 for Jessica Pallett’s campaign
- Made by Rene Descartes
- No Objection
- Motion Carries
7:50 – Rene Abdullah-Herrera leaves meeting
7:54 – Motion to document the Coalitions Director as follows: “Responsible for creating, developing and maintaining relationships with like minded outside groups, agencies, and non-profits with the purpose of building alliances to implement the principles and platform planks of LPTexas that are relevant to TCLP.”
- Made by Rene Descartes
- No Objection
- Motion Carries
7:59 – Motion to adjourn meeting
- Made by Donavan Pantke
- No Objection
- Motion Carries